2019 November 16 Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Resignation of Dan Jarvis as Trustee, effective November 22, 2019. 
  3. Appointment of David Palmer as Trustee to fill vacancy on Board. 
    • Dan Jarvis and David Palmer have gone down to the bank switch the financial information into David Palmer’s name. 
  4. Financial Update.
    • As of June 2019, the balance was $19, 000.  The balance could be down to about $15,000 now because some repairs have been done over the summer.  The healthiest the account has been in a long time.  There hasn’t been a lot of major repairs lately; however, there will be in the future as the water system gets older. 
    • Discussion of moving the money into a new account under the new formed water district.  The money for repairs and other expenses from the irrigation system use to be from voluntary contributions.  Now there is a water district, the money will be received from property taxes.    Discussion from many members about the increased in property taxes for the water district was not seen on the property tax bill from this year.   If necessary, the water district can borrow money from the county in a form of a bond if repairs become too costly and the funds are not available at that time.
    • Discussion around needing to come up with a yearly budget to submit to the county. 
  5. Status of Requirements for Our Newly-Formed IWDD
    • Gunn McKay will send in notice of the appointment of David Palmer as Trustee.  
    • The Board of Trustees consists of Jody Menzel, Gunn McKay, and David Palmer.  The appointment of the board is good until Election 2021.  At that time, an election will be held to determine the next Board of Trustees. 
    • Date and location of meeting will be posted in the Record Reporter.  Discussion that emails will be sent to those who have given the Board their email address.   There was a suggestion that we may be able to post the meeting time and location in the SRP boxes (where people can pick up their water times in the alley off of 10th).   Michael volunteered to help set up to send texts, emails, etc.  Discussion was tabled for further discussion.  For now, it will at least be posted in the Record Reporter and emails sent to those who are known by the Board. 
    • Discussion about if someone wants to discuss something it needs to be on the agenda prior to the start of the meeting. 
  6. Proposed bylaws
    • Discussion led by Jody M. around what the bylaws should look like.  Some of the discussion of what needed to be included was around: 
    • What are the roles, titles of the trustees?  What are the membership rules?  Who can go to the meetings? 
    • How decisions are made.
    • How to appoint a new trustee?  How do we determine what the assessment for the property tax for the next year? 
    • How to send minute entries, financial statements, etc. 
    • Define who is responsible to complete repairs. 
    • Need to do 1 public meeting a year. 
  7. Proposed Website 
    • Jody led a discussion on setting up a website.  He has been holding two websites.  The once chosen was:  cceiwater.com   He will work to have something to show of the website by the next meeting.  Some of the ideas to add to the website were discussed:
      • Add Maps,
      • Videos
      • Instructions to SRP website
      • Pulls SRP information when the run times are. 
  8. Call to the Public
    • David K. Udall will get a plaque for Dan Jarvis for appreciation for his service.  He will email everyone the idea.  Donations will be accepted. 
    • Gordon Jennings proposed a training you tube video to explain how irrigation works for people who are moving in.  Gordon is willing to undertake the project. 
    • Discussion of the old SRP board—when does everyone get irrigation.  SRP lists online when everyone is getting their water.  Talked about if the water is running down the street, people can look at the board to see who should be taking it. 
    • Contractors will be continuing to do the repairs.  
  9. Next Steps/Next Meeting
    • May 2020